This is a leather piece. My friend Mike is a pro at carving and sculpting leather... this is my first attempt. I tagged him to this photo so that if you need a sweet leather seat for your motorcycle you know who to turn to.

I love faces. This piece is made from copper and fits in the palm of my hand.

You can tell a lot about the person by their hands. Notice the picture in the upper left which I actually just realized I placed it up side down in this photo...

I felt like it was someone reaching down and grabbing hold of someone that is not wanting to be saved... in other words God taking hold of someone in their last hours and saving them...

Eyes also state so much about someone... notice most eyes have some kind of 3-D look to them. Every eye is different... think about that for a second... the design in just one eye is amazing. What else does that tell us about our creator?

Drawing similar to the artist Katsushika Hokusai, I used several of his pieces to create this... I think if I ever got a tattoo it would be of two Koi fish fighting up stream.
--- I like this cause I feel like I too have over come so many different obstacles in life.

This was a high-school project that I am still working on. I have hit several hangups with it... mainly when I was in high-school I did not think about how I was going to finish it off... if you have any suggestions I am more than willing to talk with you about that.
Ends to a box I am trying to finish...

These are the sides to the box

This is the lid to the box... and the second piece I have ever carved...

I create these out of one piece of wood and the whole vision comes from my head. I really do not not look at any thing to get to this point. It is a form of connecting with God for me. I created this piece this last year and to see if I could make a business of it. But I could not find a viable way to market myself. If anyone wants one... I can talk price with you and work with you to create something specifically for you. This took me just a week to create and just think you could have something like this hanging on your wall within one week too.

This is first piece I had ever carved... this is actually three pieces of pine glued together... I thought at one point to cut this in half down the center and make cabinet doors out of this. But I could not get up the guts to cut it in half. But again if you want a set of cabinet doors or a lid to a box or... Lets talk and I can create something for you!